All rising five pupils are now admitted into Reception class at the beginning of the academic year in September. Parents of children joining Reception class will be given full information about staggered start dates at parents meetings in the Summer Term before their children join Chartridge School.
Having a single intake into Reception class at the beginning of the academic year increases the opportunity for all the children to socialise and build relationships with their peers. However, we must point out that legally your child does not have to start school until the beginning of the term after his or her fifth birthday (the compulsory school age). For more information about this, please refer to the Admissions Policy at under the following section:
School admissions are managed by Buckinghamshire County Council’s admissions department who can be contacted on
Our admission number for Reception class is 30. For 2022 all applicants offered up to Rule 5{6} (catchment, {siblings}), Rule 5 (catchment), and some applicants under Rule 6 (siblings) to a distance of 2.336 miles. No places were offered for applicants out of catchment without siblings at Chartridge.
Click here for Buckinghamshire Council's admissions website for further information
Click here to link to Buckinghamshire Council's Catchment Checker