Chartridge Combined School

Parent Council


The Parent Council is a representative body for all parents and carers at Chartridge. It is designed to be parent friendly and a great opportunity to become more involved in, and more informed about, any decisions which affect your child’s school.

The main aims are:
• To promote close cooperation and communication with representatives of the parent community 
• To work in partnership with the School to share ideas, gather parental views and provide opportunities to ask questions and receive information from the School on specific issues raised by the parent community
• To develop and engage in activities which support the education and well-being of the whole school community
• A link with the local community

Please note the Parent Council is unable to become involved in issues related to individual children, the day-to-day running of the School or staff members.

The council aims to meet once per term. Parents and carers will be given the opportunity to submit topics for discussion, and the agenda will be created based on these submissions. All parents are welcome to council meetings and minutes of the meetings are published on the school's website after the meetings.


School Council minutes:

Parent Council meeting minutes November