Chartridge Combined School

Early Birds Breakfast Club

The ‘Early Birds’ breakfast club is managed by the school office, and supported by other members of staff, it runs from 7.45am to 8.40am each weekday for the complete duration of each term, at a cost of £4.50 per 07.45am start or £3.50 for each 8am or later start, for each child.  Pupils are given breakfast first; such as cereals, toast, fresh fruit and fruit juice.  After breakfast, they take part in fun activities which enhance some of our curricular such as board games or literacy puzzles until 8.40am, when they join other pupils in the playground before registration in class.

Bookings are made directly on Parent Pay by choosing the sessions you require and then making a payment on the correct payment item, either Early Breakfast Club  or 8am Breakfast Club.

Bookings for Breakfast Club should be made at least two days in advance, payment is required at the time of booking. Unpaid bookings automatically cancel. However, if you need to book Breakfast Club in an emergency and do not have two days notice please contact the school office who will be able to book your child in - providing we have the capacity to take them.

If you find you do not need a pre booked place on a particular day please cancel your booking on Parent Pay at least two days in advance. Parent Pay will then refund your account. We endeavour to keep charges for the club affordable for all parents.

The school office should be made aware of any allergies or food intolerances so these will show on the register along with your child's name.

We would like to ensure that all children have the opportunity to take part in the activities planned, and ask all parents to make sure that children arrive by 08.15am at the latest, so that we have time to serve breakfast before our planned activity.

Also, we do ask you to bear in mind your children’s safety when dropping off earlier in the morning – all children should be brought into school by their parent or carer, no earlier than 07.45am. 

For any other enquiries about our 'Early Birds' provision, please speak to the office staff.