Chartridge Combined School


School Clubs

We are extremely proud of our extra curricular programme. This gives children the opportunity to develop new skills and have fun outside the classroom environment.

The clubs we run change on a termly basis and include clubs run by our staff as well as outside agencies. The majority take place at lunchtimes and after school and there is hardly a day when there is nothing going on at Chartridge. Typically they may include; Football, Multi Skills, Netball, Cross Country, Zumba, French, Chess and Guitar Club. The majority of these clubs run for 10 weeks each term.

Please look out for the booking forms and flyers about the specific clubs which are usually emailed out a few weeks before the end of the preceding term.

If you need an extended day we have Welldon Kids Club which runs after school 3.10pm to 6.00pm Monday - Friday for the entire term, this is run by an external company and you need to book directly with them. 

Our Breakfast Club is run by school staff and takes place every morning for the whole term. It is bookable in advance, half term at a time VIA Microsoft Forms. A link is distributed approximately 4 weeks before the end of the preceding term. Bookings at short notice will be taken if there is space.


Welldon Kids Club