Chartridge Combined School

SEND & Inclusion

Please follow the links to see our key policies with regard to Inclusion and SEND: 




SEND Complaints Procedure

 At Chartridge we endeavour to get it right by putting the needs of the pupils first.  Parents are encouraged to come in to school to talk about any aspect of their child’s education, initially through the child’s class teacher.  In the majority of cases, concerns or anxieties are resolved at this stage.

However, if this fails and a parent wishes to make a formal complaint there are guidelines in our Complaints and Resolutions Procedure Policy.

Parents may seek advice from external support agencies, such as County services:

The Bucks Local Offer provides information and advice on Special Education Needs & Disability provision, both inside and outside the Local Authority. Information for the Local Offer for Buckinghamshire is available at . If you wish to contact Buckinghamshire County Council about the Local Offer please call 01296 383 293 or email