Equality Duty
Equality Information and Objectives
The Public Sector Equality Duty 2011 has three aims under the general duty for schools:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
- Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
We have considered how well we currently achieve these aims with regard to the protected groups under the Equality Act. Chartridge Combined School aims to reduce and challenge inequalities.
Chartridge's Equality Objectives December 2020-2021
Chartridge Combined School is committed to ensuring equality of provision throughout the school community. Our Equality Objectives and the related Equality Policy are designed to ensure that the school meets the needs of all stakeholders, including pupils, parents and staff. Our aim is to foster an environment which does not tolerate discrimination, which takes account of the needs of minority groups, and which also encompasses gender, ethnicity, culture, religion, language, disability, ability, sexual orientation, age and social circumstances. We strive to include and engage all students and to prepare them for full participation in a diverse society.
We will monitor and evaluate the policy and these related objectives, ensuring that everyone is actively implementing it. Closing gaps and identifying any areas for further development will arise from effective evaluation.
Our equality objectives are as follows:
Eliminate discrimination, promote equality and celebrate diversity
We will promote positive attitudes towards people of different ethnic groups/religion as well as towards disabled people, communicating our high behaviour expectations through our Behaviour Policy and by celebrating children’s attitudes and successes through activities such as the weekly assembly.
Prevent (and/or deal effectively) with bullying and harassment
We will communicate our Anti-Bullying Policy to all pupils, parents and staff, emphasising our zero tolerance to all forms of bullying and harassment. Any incidents will be reported and addressed swiftly and effectively.
Listen to all pupils, staff, parents and others
We will ensure that the school encourages, enables and hears the full range of views including those with disabilities, seeking these views through activities such as School Council, stakeholder surveys and by offering an “open door” to the Headteacher.
Develop a curriculum that addresses the full range of learning needs
We will ensure that all subject areas reflect cultural diversity and respect for others, using RE/PSHE/Citizenship as models for best practice in developing an inclusive curriculum. We will also ensure that the curriculum is relevant and delivered using appropriate teaching styles and classroom organisation.
Support learners with particular needs
We will prepare Personal Education Plans to focus on learning priorities. Our SENCO discusses individual pupil performance with class teachers and, where needed, provides intervention support for these pupils to ensure increased rate of progress. These interventions are monitored to ensure progress is being made by the pupil. We also provide appropriate training to enable staff to meet particular learning needs, and any gaps identified in training needs analysis are reflected in staff development plans.
Equalise opportunities
Recognising that some of the groups covered in this policy are likely to be economically disadvantaged, we will ensure school uniform is affordable and provides value for money. We will avoid putting parents under unnecessary financial pressure - fees for trips are voluntary and Pupil Premium funding is used where necessary.
Inform and involve parents and carers
Recognising that some of the groups covered in this policy are more likely to find school intimidating, strange or inaccessible, we will offer a range of ways of communicating between school and parents that meet parents’ circumstances and needs.
Make the school accessible to all
We will ensure that the school premises meet the needs of pupils, staff and others with physical disabilities, and that curricular and extra-curricular opportunities are available for pupils with disabilities.
Ensure fair and equal treatment for staff
We implement non-discriminatory recruitment and employment practices and promote equality of opportunity for all staff.
Please click on the following links for more information: